Cinta ? Apa itu cinta ? Apa artinya dan apakah itu berguna bagiku ?
Kata kata itu selalu mengiringi pikiranku . Namaku Tiffany Caressa panggil saja Fanny . Umurku belum genap 17 tahun masih 7 bulan 3 hari lagi aku berulang tahun tapi , semua teman temanku sudah mengolok olokku dengan kata “ Cewek Gak Laku “ . Dengan bodohnya aku selalu mendengar dan menerima olok olokkan itu sebagai konsumsi sehari hari selama berada disekolah .
--------------Senin , 7 November 2010-------------
Hari ini aku berangkat sekolah seperti biasa . Seperti biasanya aku berangkat menggunakan angkutan umum yaitu kereta . Beruntungnya aku tinggal disalah satu apartemen ditengah kota yang letaknya tak jauh dari Stasiun . Butuh waktu yang cukup lama untuk sampai kesekolah sekitar 30 menit . Aku membeli tiket dan untungnya hari ini tidak seramai minggu kemarin . Aku naik kedalam kereta . Aku duduk dibangku paling pojok aku mengambil salah satu buku yang kupinjam kemarin diPerpustakaan milik sekolah . Kumulai membaca buku itu . “ Love Change My Life “ Begitulah judulnya , Bab pertama menjelaskan tentang rasanya jatuh cinta bab 2 menjelaskan tentang indahnya cinta dan bab ketiga menceritakan tentang sakit hatinya seseorang karena Cinta . Ini membuatku sangat bingung Senang – Bahagia – Sedih ?
“ Cinta ? Aneh ! ckckc “ Gumamku sambil menutup buku itu dan langsung memasukkannya kedalam tas . Padahal aku baru baca daftar isinya tapi aku langsung tak tertarik . uuuuh -_-
Tak terasa aku sudah sampai ditempat tujuan . Aku mulai berjalan menyusuri trotoar dan akhirnya aku sampai disekolahku “ Seoul National University “ . Aku masuk kedalam sebuah kelas yang diisi oleh anak anak yang tidak terlalu senang bergaul dengan teman lainya . Aku adalah salah satu anak yang mendapatkan beasiswa dan masuk kelas akselerasi . Bayangkan saja perjuanganku untuk sekolah diKorea Selatan sendirian tanpa pendamping . Orangtuaku tinggal diIndonesia . Ayahku seorang Kolektor sedangkan ibuku pemilik Butik mereka kurang memerhatikan aku mungkin karena sibuk tapi aku tak pernah benci ataupun dendam dengan sikap mereka . Aku mengerti mereka mementingkan pekerjaannya karena ingin membiayai aku . Aku duduk dengan seorang anak pindahan dari Singapore panggil saja namanya Ken Eugine . Dia adalah teman yang cukup baik meskipun dia sering marah jika aku ajak ngobrol saat mata kuliah berlangsung . Biasanya jika istirahat berlangsung aku biasa berkumpul dengan teman temanku dari kelas biasa . Usia mereka terlampau lebih tua dariku tapi aku senang jika bersama mereka . Hari ini mata kuliah Geografi dimulai , celotehan sang dosen aku tulis dibukuku . Bel pertanda Jam istirahat berbunyi , Aku mengambil buku “ Love Change My Life “ dan membawanya kekantin . Kutemui teman temanku ..
“ Hey ! “ Teriakku dari kejauhan
“ Fanny “ Jawab mereka serempak
“ Fanny , apakah kau sudah tahu arti cinta itu apa ? “ Tanya salah satu temanku panggil saja Sunny .
“ Aku tak mau membicarakan itu aku sudah terlanjur bosan dengan celotehan itu “ Jawabku sambil melempar buku yang kubawa keatas meja .
“ Aduh ! Fanny , kamu seharusnya memikirkan masa depanmu harusnya kau sudah punya kekasih ! “ Gumel temanku Sicca
“ Kekasih ? Apalagi ? aaaa mulai besok aku tak mau mendengar kata kata cinta atau lainnya aku muak >< “ Jawabku
“ Oke baiklah ! Aku dengar akan ada anak baru yang akan masuk kekelas akselerasi “ Tanya Sunny lagi
“ Menurut orang orang katanya ganteng , kalau memang ganteng ! Tolong tanyakan dimana rumahnya dan aku ingin tahu namanya !?! “ Timpal Sicca
“ Ne~ Ya ya ya ! “ kataku membalas pertanyaan mereka semua .
Bel Berbunyi .....
Aku berjalan menuju kelasku . Kudapati kelas sudah penuh sesak (lebay) aku duduk ditempat dudukku .
“ Eugine , mengapa semua anak telah berkumpul biasanya mereka keperpustakaan dahulu “ Tanyaku pada teman sebangku – ku
“ Mr . Smith bilang nanti akan ada anak baru pindahan dari kampus lain “ Jawabnya singkat
“ oooh , terimakasih informasinya “
“ sama sama “
Mr. Smith masuk kedalam kelas , suasana yang hening menjadi sangat sangat hening . Mr. Smith ditemani oleh seorang anak lelaki sepertinya dia masih seusiaku .
“ HELL-O ! EVERY BODY ! “ ( salah teks )
“ selamat siang anak anak , Ini adalah teman baru kalian . Silakan perkenalkan dirimu nak “ ucap Mr.Smith kepada anak baru itu .
“ Nama saya ................. "
lismaheshamanda ♥
Life like as rainbow ♥
Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010
Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010
My edited
Kamis, 30 September 2010

Girls' Generation (소녀시 대; 少女時代) is a nine-member South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment in 2007. In the order that they were announced as part of the group prior the group's debut, the members are; Yoona, Tiffany, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung, Seohyun, Taeyeon (leader), Jessica, and Sunny. They are often referred to as SoShi (소시), or SNSD (mainly outside Korea), the first of which is an abbreviation and the second an acronym of the group's Korean name So Nyeo Shi Dae (or So Nyuh Shi Dae). In China, they are known as 少女時代 (Shàonǚ Shídài; or Siu Nui Si Doi in Hong Kong) and in Japan as 少女時代 (Shōjo Jidai).
The group has released two full albums, two mini-albums, and various singles. Their 2009 hit single "Gee" holds the record for being the longest running #1 song on KBS's Music Bank, having held the #1 chart ranking for 9 consecutive weeks.[1] That year also saw the group winning various awards, including consecutive Artist of the Year (Daesang) awards at the Seoul Music Awards, Golden Disk Awards, and the Korean Cultural Entertainment Awards.
* 1 History
o 1.1 Pre-debut
o 1.2 2007–2008: Debut and First Album
o 1.3 2009: Other Activities, Comebacks, The "Gee" Fever
o 1.4 2010: Second album and Japanese debut
* 2 Members
* 3 Discography
o 3.1 Korean Discography
+ 3.1.1 Studio albums
+ 3.1.2 Repackaged albums
+ 3.1.3 Mini albums (EPs)
+ 3.1.4 Special albums
+ 3.1.5 Single albums
o 3.2 Japan Discography
+ 3.2.1 Single albums
* 4 DVDs
* 5 Tours
o 5.1 Concert Participation
* 6 Television work
o 6.1 Reality shows
* 7 Endorsements
* 8 Controversy
* 9 Awards
* 10 References
* 11 External links
[edit] History
[edit] Pre-debut
The members were professionally trained primarily in singing, dancing and languages while a select few were also underwent further training in acting and modeling. Many of the members had already made appearances in magazine ads, television commercials, and small television appearances. For nearly two years, Korean websites speculated about which female SM Entertainment trainees would be placed into the group.[2]
[edit] 2007–2008: Debut and First Album
In July 2007, Girls' Generation had their unofficial first stage performance on M.Net's School of Rock where the group performed their first single, titled "Into the New World" (Korean: "다시 만난 세계", Dasi Mannan Segye). A documentary recording the story of the group's debut titled M.Net's Girls Go To School was filmed during this time, showing the members as they moved into an apartment together and prepared for their performances. The group's first single was physically released soon after, including and instrumental of the group's debut song and two other tracks; "Beginning" and "Perfect for You". The latter's Korean title is "Wish" ('소원'), which later became the name of Girls' Generation's official fan-club (stylized: S♡NE). The group's debut and first ever promotions began on August 5, 2007, first performing on SBS's Inkigayo and then later on MBC's Show! Music Core and KBS's Music Bank. "Into the New World" achieved #1 spot on M.Countdown!.
The group released their first self-titled full album in late autumn 2007 with the lead single "Girls' Generation" (Korean: "소녀시대"), a remake of Lee Seung-cheol's 1989 hit. Promotion for the single started in early November. The album also included the group's first single Into the New World, "Perfect For You" retitled as "Honey", and 8 other tracks by the group. In early 2008, Girls' Generation began promoting their second single from the album, "Kissing You", which won the group their first k-chart win after getting the number one position on the KBS Music Bank February chart.[3]
In March 2008, the album was re-packaged, re-released and re-titled Baby Baby. A third single, "Baby Baby", was used to promote the album. During the group's promotions, members Jessica, Tiffany and Seohyun were also featured on a mini-album released by Roommate, a one-man band from Purple Communication. The mini-album was titled Roommate: Emotional Band Aid, and was released on December 1, 2008. The 3rd track from the mini-album was performed by the 3 Girls' Generation members and is titled "Oppa Nappa" (Korean: "오빠 나빠", literally "Bad Brother", although contextually it refers to an older male friend). The track was digitally released before the album was, coming out in April 2008 and topping several charts. The song was performed live on SBS Inkigayo and's M.countdown some time later.[4][5] Later in the year the three members released "Mabinogi (It's Fantastic!)" together as the theme song for the Nexon game Mabinogi, with Tiffany participating in the music video.[6]
It was announced in autumn 2008 that Girls' Generation would be starring in a reality show on, titled Factory Girl. The show chronicles the members working as interns at fashion magazine Elle Girl.[7] The articles the group worked on were actually featured in the Korean Elle Girl magazine. The program began airing in early October.[8] In Late 2008, the group also participated in the SM Town Live '08 concert along with other SM Town artists.
[edit] 2009: Other Activities, Comebacks, The "Gee" Fever
On December 26 of 2008, posters of the Girls' Generation members sporting simple white shirts, jeans and roller-skates were posted up in various locations around Seoul. The posters were met with such popularity that SM Entertainment's phone-lines were blocked up by callers asking whether the posters were for sale and the company was forced to ask fans to stop taking the posters down for personal use.[9] Three days later on December 29, the group's management confirmed that the posters were indeed teaser posters and that the group would soon release their first EP, The First Mini Album — Gee the following month in January, 2009.[10]
A teaser video was released in January 2009 and the first single "Gee" released soon after. Gee was met with instant popularity, topping Cyworld's hourly music chart on the release day.[11] The song also went #1 on all major digital music charts within two days.[12] The music video set a record on release, garnering 1 million views on GomTV in under a day. The music video became the first to reach "Diamond Track" status on GomTV after breaking the 5 million view mark on January 16.[13]
The group began its album promotion on January 2009 on MBC Show! Music Core where they sang their new lead single, "Gee", as well as the track "Himnae (Way To Go)", another song from their mini-album.[14] Gee went on to become a phenomenal hit, breaking the record for consecutive no.1 wins on Music Bank with 9 consecutive wins, as well as receiving a triple crown on SBS Inkigayo. The track also showed strength on other charts, topping the Mujikon, Melon and M.Net charts for 8 consecutive weeks, the Dosirak chart for 7 weeks, the Muse chart for 6 weeks and the Baksu chart for 4 weeks.[15][16]
The breakthrough success of the song and the "Gee Syndrome" it caused in South Korea resulted in industry analysts describing the group as no longer merely idols, but a top national group with mass appeal.[17] By the ending of the group's promotions in March, "Gee" ringtones had surpassed 1.2 million downloads and had been set as background music a record breaking 350,000 times on social networking site Cyworld. The recorded number of airplays of the song on radio and television over 2 months surpassed 1500 with "Himnae" having been played almost 200 times. The mini-album sold over 100,000 copies - the group's second time having done so since the success of their first full album in 2007.[18] After finishing up promotions, demand for the group was still strong and discussion of them in the media was still frequent. During their non-promotional period, the group members were still active through DJ and MC positions, acting, hosting and variety show appearances.[19]
After a short break, SM Entertainment announced that the group would be back with a new mini-album sporting a "Marine Girl" concept. The new single was to be titled "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)" (Korean: "소원을 말해봐", literally "Tell Me Your Wish"); with the full mini album being released digitally on June 22, 2009.[20][21] The group started their promotional activities on the June 26, 2009 recording of KBS's Music Bank.[22] The performance was followed by follow-up comeback performances on MBC's Music Core and SBS's Inkigayo on June 27 and 28, 2009. The physical release of Genie was delayed by SM Entertainment in order to redo the album art, and was released 4 days later on June 29, 2009.[20]
The track proved to be a massive success. It conquered various music sites like Melon, Dosirak, MNet, Bugs and it was No.1 on the weekly charts and SKT ringtone weekly charts of the first week of July.[23] The mini-album sold an estimated 50,000+ copies in its first week after release (almost double the numbers from the first-week sales of "Gee"), an unusual feat for any Korean girl group.[24]
Their first No.1 award for "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)" was on the July 10, 2009 episode of KBS Music Bank.[25][26] Their second award was claimed at the July 12, 2009 episode of SBS's Inkigayo and their third on the 16th on the same show.[27] The group finished up promoting for "Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)" in August 2009.
On October 7, Girls' Generation, along with label-mate f(x), released a digital single named "Chocolate Love" for the 4th edition of the Blacklabel series LG CYON phone, "Chocolate".[28] Girls' Generation were chosen to record the "Retro Pop Version" of the song while f(x) sang the "Electronic Pop Version". In comparison to f(x)'s trendy and electronic version, Girls' Generation's "Retro Pop Version" has a charismatic and vintage style, with a more mature and sultry feel.[29] Girls' Generation released a "Chocolate Love" music video soon after, and then a second version some time afterward.
In addition to their musical activities, the group has had various television series, with varied success. On May 3, 2009, Girls' Generation starred in their new reality show Sonyuh Shidae Horror Movie factory,[30] in which the group undergoes various acting lessons and tests, the first three episodes revolving around a horror film theme. The premiere episode received a viewership rating of 3.3%. When the show was cancelled after 6 episodes, it was replaced with another Girls' Generation reality program Himnaera-Him! or Cheer Up![31] in which the group tries to cheer up hardworking people in the midst of an economic slump. The show was discontinued after two episodes.[32]
Right after leaving MBC Sunday Sunday Night segment, the group began a new reality television venture. On June 23, 2009, the group began starring on a new reality series titled Girls' Generation's Hello Baby, on cable network KBS Joy. The show chronicles the group babysitting and taking care of a young child in an attempt to experience and learn what motherhood is like. Each week the group members (or 'fathers'; male guests who come out to help on several episodes) select the "Best Mom" and the "Worst Mom" from among the members according to their work for the day.[33] Viewers commented that it was one of the group's best shows so far, due to the members showing their true personalities in a relaxed environment and not relying on scripts. It was popular among fans and teenagers and also garnered a lot of interest from young mothers.[34] The show ended on November 17, 2009 after 22 episodes and 6 months of airing. Upon ending recording, the Girls' Generation members stated that they believed that while watching the child grow, they had reached a new level of maturity and gratitude to their parents.[35]
In July, selected members, alongside selected Super Junior members, released the song "S.E.O.U.L.".[36] The music video was released as part of South Korea's tourism initiative.
The members were frequently on television and were able to quickly establish their individual personalities through both group and solo activities such as MCing, variety shows, game shows and talk shows, and were said to have 'conquered the media'.[37] Because of their lively image and wide spectrum of fans, the group was chosen as ambassadors to publicize the transfer of South Korean television to digital technology in late September, 2009.[38]
In early November, the group also announced that they would be holding their first solo concert tour, with two Korean dates in December and other Asian locations to follow.[39] Tickets were available for online purchase at 8pm on November 19,[40] with the Korean dates selling out at record time in only 3 minutes.[41] The concert tour is titled "Into the New World" after the name of their debut single. Due to the success and popularity of the first two concerts on December 19 and 20, the group went on to hold encore concerts on February 27 and 28.[42]
[edit] 2010: Second album and Japanese debut
Later in January, SM Entertainment confirmed the release of Oh!, the group's second full-length album to be released on January 28.[43] The lead single "Oh!", was digitally released on January 25 with the music video being released two days later.[44] The song proved to be popular topping various charts upon release.[45] On January 30, the group started promotions with the recording of MBC's Show! Music Core.[46] The broadcast of the performance experienced a blackout near the end, to which MBC made the whole performance available online in response.[47] With 'Oh!', the group went on to win 5 consecutive K-charts on KBS Music Bank, as well as achieving a triple crown on SBS Inkigayo.[48] 'Oh!' also went on to win Music Bank's half-year K-chart and came in at 2nd on Hanteo's first half album sales chart.[49]
Starting from March 11, 2010, photos of the members were released online showcasing a dark concept, dubbed "Black Girls' Generation".[50] A teaser video was released on March 16, with the new single Run Devil Run being released as a digital single on March 17. The music video for "Run Devil Run was released on March 17, and the group's first performance for the new single was on KBS's Music Bank.[52][53] The song won 2 K-charts on KBS Music Bank and 2 Mutizen wins as well in SBS Inkigayo. With the combined sales of both the full album "Oh!" and the repackage "Run Devil Run", Girls' Generation sold more albums than any other artist in the first half of 2010. The music videos for both "Oh!" and "Run Devil Run" made it into GOMTV's 2010 First Half Top 10 ranking, the group having attracted over 13 million views in 6 months.
Mid-June, it was announced that the group had signed contracts in May, and would begin working under Universal Music Japan's record label Nayutawave Records for their Japanese promotions, with their first Japanese single expected to be released in September 2010. Girls' Generation began promotion in Japan in August. "少女時代到来~初来日記念盤~" (Girls' Generation's Arrival ~ First Time in Japan Commemoration Disc ~), a DVD featuring seven of the group's music videos as well as special bonus footage was released on August 11, with the special edition of the DVD containing a pink glowstick as well as a pass to the Girls' Generation debut at the Tokyo Ariake Colliseum on August 25.According to Universal Music Japan, the DVD had reached considerable success even before physical release, the pre-orders having sold out. In the first week after release, the DVD sold 23,000 copies, making no.4 on the weekly DVD Oricon ranking and no.3 on the weekly music DVD ranking, making Girls' Generation the first female k-pop group to make the Oricon DVD Top-5 ranking.
Amidst their Japanese activities, the group also participated in the SMTown Live '10 World Tour alongside their label-mates on August 21 at Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium. And then in Shanghai and Los Angeles on later dates.
On August 23, the group arrived in Japan at Haneda airport to begin promotions in Japan. Following this date on August 25, the group held their first showcase in Tokyo Ariake Colliseum. With an initial 10,000 fans invited, it was reported to be the most large-scale plan for a Korean artist debuting in Japan.However, due to high number of expected attendees, the group's management announced that the showcase would take place three times in the same day rather than once to accommodate the estimated 20,000 fans. The group sang 5 of their Korean tracks at each of the showcases, the total number of attendees over all three shows estimated to be at least 22,000. At this showcase, the Genie Japanese music video was also revealed publicly for the first time, the teaser having been released a few days prior on August 20.
Their Japanese debut single "GENIE" peaked at the #5 spot on the same day of its release on the Oricon Charts and later rose to the #2 position some time later, earning the group a #4 position on the Oricon weekly ranking.[70][71][72] The group also hit the number #1 spots on Japan iTunes' music video chart and both the Rekochoku daily video clip chart and incoming movie daily ranking chart a day later.[73] With pre-orders amounting to 80,000, the single sold an estimated 45,000 copies in the first week after release, breaking the record for foreign artists debuting in Japan.[74][75] The single also placed high on Japan's Billboard chart, ranking #4 on the comprehensive Hot 100 chart, #5 on the Hot Single Sales Chart and #1 on the Hot Top Airplay chart.
* Taeyeon (태연) born March 9, 1989 as Kim Tae-Yeon (김태연)
* Jessica (제 시카) born April 18, 1989 as Jessica Jung (제시카 정), Korean name Jung Soo-Yeon (정수연)[76]
* Sunny (써 니) born May 15, 1989 as Lee Soon-Kyu (이순규)
* Tiffany (티파니) born August 1, 1989 as Stephanie Hwang (스테파니 황), Korean name Hwang Mi-Young (황미영)
* Hyoyeon (효연) born September 22, 1989 as Kim Hyo-Yeon (김효연)
* Yuri (유리) born December 5, 1989 as Kwon Yu-Ri (권유리)
* Sooyoung (수영) born February 10, 1990 as Choi Soo-Young (최수영)
* Yoona (윤아) born May 30, 1990 as Im Yoon-Ah (임윤아)
* Seohyun (서현) born June 28, 1991 as Seo Joo-Hyun(서주현)
Sc :
Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010
Donghae ^^
ngomongin cowok yang satu ini pasti pada ngiler deh #apasih .
cowok korea yang satu ini mukanya cakep sekali yaAlloh gue aja nyampe ngiler ngiler :9
Si ADORABLE FISHY ini punya muka yang mirip kaya orang indonesia #menurut gue .
Gue bahas biodatanya deh nih nih silakan dilihat !!
Nama Asli : Lee Dong-hae (Hangul: 이동해), (Chinese: 李东海)
Nama Panggung : Dong-hae (동해)
Nama Barat: Aiden Lee
Nickname : Pinocchio (피노키오); Fishy
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Mokpo, 15 Oktober 1986
Tinggi : 175 cm
Berat : 58 Kg
Golongan Darah : A
Casting : 3rd SM Youth Best Selection Best Outward Appearance 1st place, (2001)
Penampilan pertama: SBS “Shin DongYop’s There is There Isn’t” panel (2005)
Group : SMTown, Super Junior, Super Junior-M
Hobi : Menonton Film, Olahraga
Oh ya , kenapa ya dia suka dipanggil Fishy ? jawabannya adalah dari namanya sendiri Donghaeya " Haeya" yang artinya Laut timur . maklum lah dia kan orang pantai gitu jadi namanya juga harus ada pantai pantainya atau laut lautnya *apasih . Oh iya katanya donghae ini ingin jadi nelayan dan tinggal di pinggir jalan eh salah pinggir pantai / pesisir pantai . Dia seneng banget dipanggil 'Fishy' , 'raja ikan' juga boleh ada ada aja nih anak .
Dia suka banget nonton fil barat gitu , yang pake bahasa inggris *yaiyalah masa bahasa sunda* kalau udah selse nonton film biasanya dia suka niruin bahasanya gitu meskipun susah dan ga fasih tapi inilah yang buat orang ketawa hahahahahaha *evillaugh nyampe keselek* . Anak yang satu ini juga ngefans sama ' Song hae gyo ' yang maen di FullHouse *aku juga suka film itu donghae :** wah kita jodoh #digebukinHaeLovers .
KRITERIA CEWEK HAE !! *Penting baca nih!*
Kriterianya gak muluk-muluk banget ! Selain cewek yg keliatan Charming ,perhatian dan sayang ama donghae,bisa ngerawat donghae.
*gampang ini mah , ayo hae kita married *kaburrrr #dilemparhaeloperskelaut .
Huaa sedih nih , Hae tuh orangnya ga gampang sedih loh TT.TT
waktu ayahnya meninggal beberapa tahun lalu , donghae selsai ngejalanin masa Trainee suju dan berhasi di suju dan mau nunjukin keberhasilannya ke ayahnya sayangnya ayahnya meninggal karena kanker kurang tau kanker apa TToTT cup cup cup :*** #mulaidehgilanya . Katanya sebelum ayahnya meninggal , ayahnya pernah ngobrol sama teuki oppa , ayahnya minta tolong jagain donghae *huaaaa nangis guling guling* . nah terus teuki waktu itu ngulangin pesen ayahanda donghae didepan umum . Hyaaa donghae sama teuki nangis TToTT
Donghae juga pinter main biola apalgi waktu mainin lagu 'Twinkle twinkle little star' lucu banget :D Donghae juga gampang akrab sama orang loh .
Nah cuman segitu aja yang aku tau , semoga bermanfaat yaa !!

donghae lagi bobo ^^ lucu deh

omona ~~ cakep sekali *ga bisa berpaling*

kok yang ini mirip ariel yak-__-"
ngomongin cowok yang satu ini pasti pada ngiler deh #apasih .
cowok korea yang satu ini mukanya cakep sekali yaAlloh gue aja nyampe ngiler ngiler :9
Si ADORABLE FISHY ini punya muka yang mirip kaya orang indonesia #menurut gue .
Gue bahas biodatanya deh nih nih silakan dilihat !!
Nama Asli : Lee Dong-hae (Hangul: 이동해), (Chinese: 李东海)
Nama Panggung : Dong-hae (동해)
Nama Barat: Aiden Lee
Nickname : Pinocchio (피노키오); Fishy
Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Mokpo, 15 Oktober 1986
Tinggi : 175 cm
Berat : 58 Kg
Golongan Darah : A
Casting : 3rd SM Youth Best Selection Best Outward Appearance 1st place, (2001)
Penampilan pertama: SBS “Shin DongYop’s There is There Isn’t” panel (2005)
Group : SMTown, Super Junior, Super Junior-M
Hobi : Menonton Film, Olahraga
Oh ya , kenapa ya dia suka dipanggil Fishy ? jawabannya adalah dari namanya sendiri Donghaeya " Haeya" yang artinya Laut timur . maklum lah dia kan orang pantai gitu jadi namanya juga harus ada pantai pantainya atau laut lautnya *apasih . Oh iya katanya donghae ini ingin jadi nelayan dan tinggal di pinggir jalan eh salah pinggir pantai / pesisir pantai . Dia seneng banget dipanggil 'Fishy' , 'raja ikan' juga boleh ada ada aja nih anak .
Dia suka banget nonton fil barat gitu , yang pake bahasa inggris *yaiyalah masa bahasa sunda* kalau udah selse nonton film biasanya dia suka niruin bahasanya gitu meskipun susah dan ga fasih tapi inilah yang buat orang ketawa hahahahahaha *evillaugh nyampe keselek* . Anak yang satu ini juga ngefans sama ' Song hae gyo ' yang maen di FullHouse *aku juga suka film itu donghae :** wah kita jodoh #digebukinHaeLovers .
KRITERIA CEWEK HAE !! *Penting baca nih!*
Kriterianya gak muluk-muluk banget ! Selain cewek yg keliatan Charming ,perhatian dan sayang ama donghae,bisa ngerawat donghae.
*gampang ini mah , ayo hae kita married *kaburrrr #dilemparhaeloperskelaut .
Huaa sedih nih , Hae tuh orangnya ga gampang sedih loh TT.TT
waktu ayahnya meninggal beberapa tahun lalu , donghae selsai ngejalanin masa Trainee suju dan berhasi di suju dan mau nunjukin keberhasilannya ke ayahnya sayangnya ayahnya meninggal karena kanker kurang tau kanker apa TToTT cup cup cup :*** #mulaidehgilanya . Katanya sebelum ayahnya meninggal , ayahnya pernah ngobrol sama teuki oppa , ayahnya minta tolong jagain donghae *huaaaa nangis guling guling* . nah terus teuki waktu itu ngulangin pesen ayahanda donghae didepan umum . Hyaaa donghae sama teuki nangis TToTT
Donghae juga pinter main biola apalgi waktu mainin lagu 'Twinkle twinkle little star' lucu banget :D Donghae juga gampang akrab sama orang loh .
Nah cuman segitu aja yang aku tau , semoga bermanfaat yaa !!

donghae lagi bobo ^^ lucu deh

omona ~~ cakep sekali *ga bisa berpaling*

kok yang ini mirip ariel yak-__-"
Senin, 30 Agustus 2010
Demi Lovato

Asoy deh gue lagi suka sama demi lovato . Ituloh yang main di camp rock yang cantik itu . hahapabangetdehgue -____- , lagu si demi tuh enak banget buat didenger apalagi yang This Is Me enak pisan lah , Yang versi spanyol juga enakeun . Nah karena itu kita bahas biodatanya yuk ! Lets Go .. (backsound : SNDS - GEE )
Demi Lovato yang punya nama asli Demetria Devonne Demi Lovato lahir di Dallas, Texas, Amerika Serikat, 20 Agustus 1992 sekarang usianya 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 (Y) 18 tahun . Nah demi ini sahabatan sama Si Miley Cyrus dan Selena Gomez . Katanya sih katanya , si demi ini pernah digosipin jadi orang ketiga anatara hubungan Joe Jonas dan taylor Swift. Oh iya Demi Lovato ini mantan pacarnya Trey Cyrus kakanya Miley Cyrus dan Joe Jonas vokalis Jonas Brother . Uju buset dah mantan pacarnya ganteng ganteng <-- abaikan .
* Camp Rock (2008) sebagai Mitchie Torres
* Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience (2008) sebagai bintang tamu
* Princess Protection Program (2009) sebagai Rosie Gonzalez / Princess Marie Montoya Fiore
* Camp Rock 2 (2009) sebagai Mitchie Torres
* Don't Forget (2008)
* Here we go Again (2009)
Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010
SLR oh SLR !

Kutungu dan kutunggu kau wahai pujaaanku SLR , kapan aku bisa mendapatkan mu ?? Aa kau ku inginkan dan ku dambakan sayang sekali hargamu mahal dan itu membuat kita susah untuk bersama . Andaikan aku bisa membelimu aaa sepertinya aku akan senang . Ah ....
Itulah jeritan hatiku tentang SLR ! Wahai SLR datanglah padaku . yaelah ngelebeh -___-
Ini nih reviewnya SLR yang buat ngiler !
10.1 MP CMOS sensor, Up to 3fps, 7-point wide-area AF, EOS Self-Cleaning Image Sensor, 2.5” LCD with Live View mode, Large viewfinder, DIGIC III processor, Picture Styles processing, Compact and lightweight, Compatible with EF/EF-S lenses and EX Speedlites, EF lenses and accessories.
Max. Resolution Approx. 10.1 Megapixels (Effective)
Sensor Size/Type 22.2 x 14.8mm CMOS
Lens Packet Type Canon EF-S 18 - 55mm 1 : 3.5 - 5.6 IS
Zoom Capability Maximum Optical Zoom (3.06x at 55mm) with 1.5x - 10x Playback Mode
Focal Length (35mm Eqv.) 18 - 55mm (35mm equivalent focal length (APS-C) 29-88mm)
Max Aperture F 3.5 ~ 5.6
Lens Mount Yes with Canon EF/EF-S Lens Kit
Auto Focus TTL-CT-SIR with a CMOS sensor (7 AF points (f/5.6 cross type at centre))
AF-Assist Lamp Yes
Image Stabilizer Engine Yes with Optical Image Stabilizer
Macro (Min. Distance) 0.28 m Closest focusing distance
LCD Display 2.5'' TFT, approx. 230,000 dots (Coverage Approx. 100%) - With Live View Functions
Viewfinder Yes with Eye-level pentamirror (Coverage Approx. 95%)
Exposure Control TTL Full Aperture Metering with 35-zone SPC
Shutter Electronically-controlled, focal-plane shutter (speed 30 - 1/4000 sec)
Built In Flash Yes (Up to 17mm focal length (35mm equivalent: 27mm))
External Flash Support Yes with E-TTL II with EX series Speedlites, wireless multi-flash support
Manual Control Yes
ISO Sensitivity AUTO (100-800), 100 - 1600 (in 1-stop increments)
Movie Mode Support No
Video Out Yes with PAL / NTSC (User Selectable)
RAW Mode Yes with Approx. 9,8 MB (3888 x 2592 pixels)
PictBridge Support Yes
External Storage Type SD Card, SDHC Card Slot
Battery Type 1 x Rechargeable Li-ion Battery LP-E5
Dimension (WHD) (126.1 x 97.5 x 61.9) mm
Weight Approx. 450 gram (Body Only)
Alnect Care Warranty 30 Hari
Standard Warranty 1 Tahun
Manufacturer website
Semoga saya bisa mendapatkan SLR ! <3
Tanpa Judul part1
mau post FF ini soalnya lagi suka KOREA hahaha :)
silakan baca---
Selalu bangun siang , rutinitas kami berempat di kamar kost yang berukuran cukup besar ini . Baru jam 6 mereka belum bangun juga . Ah~ dasar pabo mereka bangun siang terus . Lebih baik kubangunkan mereka . “ Bruk bruk bruk ….” Kulemparkan bantal bantal berbentuk doraemon ke muka merka bertiga . “ Bangun woy .. bangun …” kata ku sambil memukuli mereka dengan bantal itu “ ah~ anna kau ini , aku baru bermimpi mendapatkan seorang chagiya yang ganteng “ jawab esa sambil mengucek kedua matanya “ aku bangun anna !!! “ Teriak chae sambil kembali melempar bantal itu kemuka ku “ terimakasih anna telah membangunkanku !” jawab Shin sambil berjalan ke kamar mandi .
“ kalian semua dibangunkan malahan ngambek ga jelas , kaya shin dong “ kataku sambil membereska bantal bantal itu “ ah baiklah Terima kasih anna !” kata mereka berdua dengan menekan di kata terima kasih anna . kami semua pun membereskan kamar dan bergegas mandi untuk berangkat ke kampus kami yaitu Seoul University .
“ Ah~ mana ya chagiyaku ! “ kata esa sambil melihat seluruh penjuru kampus “ kau ini esa , itu bukan chagiyamu tapi itu baru kecenganmu !” kata chae sambil menjitak kepalaku . “ Sialan kau chae aku teriakin ya kalo kamu suka sama ……………… “ belum selsai esa berteriak Chae sudah menutup mulutnya . mereka berdua memang sering bertengkar sejak awal bertemu . Sedangkan Shin adalah seorang yang pintar dan pendiam . Aku ? aku hanyalah yeoja biasa mungkin .
Jam pelajaran pun dimulai kami semua belajar dengan tenang karena disini pengajaran sangat ketat dan tak boleh berisik . tak terasa 2 mata kuliah telah selsai kami pun bergegas pulang ke kost kost-an kami . “ eh kalian pulang duluan ya , aku mau nonton pertandingan basket dulu “ kata Esa sambil bergegas membereskan bukunya “ pasti mau nonton si sepeda butut itu ya ! “ ejek Shin kepadaku “ tumben shin kau mengejek ku hahaha ! yaudah aku pergi yaa . Bye bye jangan rindu ! “ teriak esa sambil berlari ke lapangan depan sekolah . kami pun pulang tanpa ditemani Esa .
Akhinya aku bisa nonton si sepeda butut , aku pun duduk di deretan paling depan . " annyeong semuanyaa , mana pendukungnya SEOUL University " kata seorang mc yeoja yang tak lain adalah Rhin , dia adalah anak jurusan ekonomi yang terkenal akan kepintarannya membawa acara " ayooo , Yokono university jangan mau kalah ! " timpal seorang namja disebelah rhin . " kalau begitu mari kita saksikan pertandingan basket antara grup seoul dan yokono !!!" teriak mereka berdua sambil berlari menjauhi lapangan.
"itu si sepeda butut,yaampun cakep unyunyunyu . Badannya , Kulitnya , mukanya , cara bicara nyaaa ... aaa itu membuatku gila " gumamku dengan tak karuan " siapa namja yan kau sebutkan tadi ?? " tanya seorang namja berkacamata dengan muka tanpa dosa " ah~ kauuuuu ? dasar ga punya malu nguping pembicaraan ku , dasar jelek !" kataku ketus karena shyok " ahahahahahaha .. akhirnya aku tau siapa yang kau incar slama ini !" jawabnya dengan terbahak bahak " sialan , dasar jelek aku bilangin ke .........................
TBC ~~ hihi maaf yaa geje ^^
kalo bisa kasih rating yak thanks :*
silakan baca---
Selalu bangun siang , rutinitas kami berempat di kamar kost yang berukuran cukup besar ini . Baru jam 6 mereka belum bangun juga . Ah~ dasar pabo mereka bangun siang terus . Lebih baik kubangunkan mereka . “ Bruk bruk bruk ….” Kulemparkan bantal bantal berbentuk doraemon ke muka merka bertiga . “ Bangun woy .. bangun …” kata ku sambil memukuli mereka dengan bantal itu “ ah~ anna kau ini , aku baru bermimpi mendapatkan seorang chagiya yang ganteng “ jawab esa sambil mengucek kedua matanya “ aku bangun anna !!! “ Teriak chae sambil kembali melempar bantal itu kemuka ku “ terimakasih anna telah membangunkanku !” jawab Shin sambil berjalan ke kamar mandi .
“ kalian semua dibangunkan malahan ngambek ga jelas , kaya shin dong “ kataku sambil membereska bantal bantal itu “ ah baiklah Terima kasih anna !” kata mereka berdua dengan menekan di kata terima kasih anna . kami semua pun membereskan kamar dan bergegas mandi untuk berangkat ke kampus kami yaitu Seoul University .
“ Ah~ mana ya chagiyaku ! “ kata esa sambil melihat seluruh penjuru kampus “ kau ini esa , itu bukan chagiyamu tapi itu baru kecenganmu !” kata chae sambil menjitak kepalaku . “ Sialan kau chae aku teriakin ya kalo kamu suka sama ……………… “ belum selsai esa berteriak Chae sudah menutup mulutnya . mereka berdua memang sering bertengkar sejak awal bertemu . Sedangkan Shin adalah seorang yang pintar dan pendiam . Aku ? aku hanyalah yeoja biasa mungkin .
Jam pelajaran pun dimulai kami semua belajar dengan tenang karena disini pengajaran sangat ketat dan tak boleh berisik . tak terasa 2 mata kuliah telah selsai kami pun bergegas pulang ke kost kost-an kami . “ eh kalian pulang duluan ya , aku mau nonton pertandingan basket dulu “ kata Esa sambil bergegas membereskan bukunya “ pasti mau nonton si sepeda butut itu ya ! “ ejek Shin kepadaku “ tumben shin kau mengejek ku hahaha ! yaudah aku pergi yaa . Bye bye jangan rindu ! “ teriak esa sambil berlari ke lapangan depan sekolah . kami pun pulang tanpa ditemani Esa .
Akhinya aku bisa nonton si sepeda butut , aku pun duduk di deretan paling depan . " annyeong semuanyaa , mana pendukungnya SEOUL University " kata seorang mc yeoja yang tak lain adalah Rhin , dia adalah anak jurusan ekonomi yang terkenal akan kepintarannya membawa acara " ayooo , Yokono university jangan mau kalah ! " timpal seorang namja disebelah rhin . " kalau begitu mari kita saksikan pertandingan basket antara grup seoul dan yokono !!!" teriak mereka berdua sambil berlari menjauhi lapangan.
"itu si sepeda butut,yaampun cakep unyunyunyu . Badannya , Kulitnya , mukanya , cara bicara nyaaa ... aaa itu membuatku gila " gumamku dengan tak karuan " siapa namja yan kau sebutkan tadi ?? " tanya seorang namja berkacamata dengan muka tanpa dosa " ah~ kauuuuu ? dasar ga punya malu nguping pembicaraan ku , dasar jelek !" kataku ketus karena shyok " ahahahahahaha .. akhirnya aku tau siapa yang kau incar slama ini !" jawabnya dengan terbahak bahak " sialan , dasar jelek aku bilangin ke .........................
TBC ~~ hihi maaf yaa geje ^^
kalo bisa kasih rating yak thanks :*
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